巴贝- 来自中国的现代幸运符
"Babei"- A modernized Good Luck image from ancient China
巴贝— 古老中国幸运符号的现代版
Babei- The modernization of an ancient Chinese good luck image
In China, everyone knows 8 is good luck, and Babei is based on "8".
人们正在设计并发给我们这些手机墙纸。它们令您的手机变得幸运! The cellphone wallpapers are being made by many people and sent to us. It turns your phone into good luck!
Happy Holidays 2025
It is so cool how people add their creativity to Babei. You can use these wallpapers on your phone for free..
Teresa Carpio (杜丽莎)是一位著名歌手,她喜欢自己的巴贝手袋
Teresa Carpio is a famous singer who loves her Babei bags
The original good luck Babei image that was passed around many years ago
If you copy these wallpapers with "Babei" and keep on your phone, it will turn your phone into a good luck piece!
“Babei" was proud to be a part of the Beijing International Culture and Creative Industry Expo, bringing modernized ancient good luck from China to the show. Babei from Ba Village is growing! www.bavillage.com
Babei goes to New Zealand Dec, 2016 ^
Chiang Mai, Thailand ^
Beijing ^
Bag Made by Sasha in New Zealand
South Thailand 2017- Children's Day Dancers
"Babei" In Taiwan
China Association of Social Workers, Committee of Corporate Citizenship中国社会工人协会,企业公民委员会 The 10th Chinese Excelence Corporare Citizenship Annual Conference第十界中国优秀企业公民年会
Beijing ^
To send your wallpapers or contact us:
随时随身携带来自中国的古老幸运符! Carry ancient good luck from China with you always!
如果您希望帮助我们将巴贝用在产品上,敬请联系:babei888@outlook.com If you’d like to help get Babei on any products, feel free to contact us: babei888@outlook.com
如果您希望帮助我们将巴贝用在产品上,敬请联系:babei888@outlook.com If you’d like to help get Babei on any products, feel free to contact us: babei888@outlook.com